New Year with Body Sculpting – Body sculpting treatment near me for a new year transformation, Cranston, RI.In the past, if someone wanted to get rid of stubborn belly fat or get smoother skin, they had to undergo painful, invasive surgeries. You can leave all of that in 2021 because a newer, safer, and more effective option is available. Body sculpting is a non-invasive procedure that removes body fat and reshapes the contours of your body. If you’ve got excess body fat that won’t respond to diet and exercise, Excilis body sculpting is the perfect way for you to go into the new year looking and feeling better than ever.

What is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting is a non-surgical treatment in which fatty deposits from under the skin are removed in order to reshape the contours of the body. The four different types of body sculpting used are heat treatments, cold treatments, ultrasound treatments, and radiofrequency treatments. At James K. Cardi M.D, we use a radiofrequency treatment called Exilis.

Exilis is a handheld radiofrequency device that delivers safe electrical energy to the skin. The device warms the skin to about 107 to 111 degrees Fahrenheit to improve skin tone and texture by encouraging new collagen growth, all while reducing unwanted body fat.

What Are The Benefits of Body Sculpting?

Besides seeing incredible results, you can benefit from body sculpting for many reasons. The Exilis body sculpting method offers many benefits such as:

  • Not only is the procedure non-invasive and low-risk, but it is also quick and painless. It takes 20-30 minutes per area and requires no pain medication or numbing agents.
  • You won’t need a recovery period, so you can get right back to your life while feeling your best.
  • Exilis body sculpting stimulates collagen regrowth, tightens and smooths skin, and removes cellulite.
  • You can remove stubborn pockets of fat wherever you want, as Exilis treats multiple parts of the body, including the abdomen, neck, arms, knees, and thighs.
  • Exilis body sculpting has a high rate of satisfaction and gives you long-lasting results.

Exilis body sculpting can benefit anyone looking to reduce body fat or improve the appearance of their skin.

When Should I Start Body Sculpting?

While the number of sessions you need may vary, it is recommended to receive four to six with a couple of weeks in between. Since it will take some time to complete your sessions, the best time to start is right now. After the new year comes around, many people set a goal to finally get the dream body that they said they wanted last year. You can start this process now, and soon enough, you’ll have surpassed your goals to both look and feel your best. This year is your year to step into your best self without invasive, risky surgeries. If you are ready to start the year off with body sculpting, visit Dr. James K Cardi to see if it’s right for you.

Dr. James Cardi performs Exilis Body Sculpting to any qualified patient who is seeking body sculpting and skin tightening without surgery. Request an appointment(opens in a new tab) online or call our office at (401)- 440-1977 if you want to know whether or not body sculpting is the right course of treatment for you.